hannah's happiness project

It’s the thing we all have in common, the desire to be happy, yet many people don’t even know what happiness means to them let alone how to welcome it into their lives. The international health and wellness industry is booming but it is often too expensive for the people who find themselves in the greatest need for support.

I believe that everyone has the right to be happy and it is my mission to make happiness accessible and sustainable for everyone.


By exposing myself to, studying and engaging with extreme personal challenges, widely contrasting cultures and lifestyles, and religious and spiritual practices, I’ve spent the last four years observing the patterns and correlations in the behaviours of people across the world to better understand happiness.

I learn and share unconventionally; the way that feels best for me. My studies usually involve social interactions, interviews and having a lot of deep and emotional private conversations. My research is not super ‘scientific’ as I am not an ‘academic’ trying to gain credits or achieve a grade for a paper, I am a regular woman with a strong passion and devotion to make the world a happier place.

My work leads me into unique and intimate spaces with fascinating people and I often find myself supporting individuals in need in moments of stress, distress or vulnerability. To really understand happiness, it’s important to delve into unhappiness and discover the root cause(s); said causes are usually created or enhanced by the underlying problems in different societies.


Inviting happiness into your life is a choice and something you can practice. From yoga and meditation to creating art and music, there are many techniques to invite your conscious awareness into the now and assist you in cultivating a more stable state of being and loving inner voice. I spend a lot of my time both writing my own and exploring different existing techniques to learn and understand more ways to make happiness accessible and sustainable for everyone.


I have always loved sharing joy with others, but this project has taught me just how simple it can be to activate happiness in others around you. And by going out everyday with that intention, it immediately has a positive impact on you, too! My offerings and outreach styles are constantly evolving and have included live street interactions like giving free hugs, a flashmob, playing music and having happy conversations to putting on events, workshops and collaborations.

I believe the way to pioneer positive social change is to inspire it.

This project empowers people into taking their own steps towards a more intentional lifestyle; helping them connect with their own integral abilities and use them to live their most fulfilling life. By invoking a state of happiness in others, our collective consciousness expands naturally allowing for kinder, more compassionate choices, respect for all life and equality across the board. 

Because happier people make better choices and better choices make a better world

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Pioneering equality through cultivating happiness. 

I believe that everyone deserves a fair chance and a happy life. I also believe that pure joy comes from the inside. By supporting people on their personal journey to a happier place, I am helping to create a broader conscious community.

Revolutionising what it means to be an activist.

Happiness activism is the first type of activism that solely focuses on championing instead of protesting. My initiative focuses on empowerment and unity, uplifting people into growing on a more harmonious path together.

Focusing on the mass empowerment of individuals.

When we feel happy, we all thrive much more easily. The more happy individuals we can have in the world, the more harmonious it will become. I help people to realise how easy it is to pass happiness onto others to create a beautiful domino effect; as each person realises their power and own unique approach to spreading smiles, we effortlessly share inspiration, energy, gratitude and our passion for life.

When an individual realises they have shared happiness with another being, they also realise their value and ability to make a positive difference. This results in the person experiencing personal fulfilment which is rewarding, wholesome and healing. 

I am here to inspire the minds, touch the hearts and hold the hands of all the blessed people on my journey to create a happier, more peaceful and equal world, together.